Obesity or deposition of fat under the skin or internal organs have been quite an epidemic-like issue that the people of U.S have been facing and vainly struggling with. With growing obesity among all ages, diseases like cancer, heart disease, cholesterol, Type 2 Diabetes in the United States has been quite common. There are various surveys organized by the states and the nation to track the rate of obesity among kids and adults.

The surveys like Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, WIC Participant and Program Characteristics, Youth Risk Behavior Survey, National Survey of Children’s Health and National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey provide the latest data. According to 2015-16 estimation by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 39.8% adult and 18.5% kids and teens are obese clinically.

Adult Obesity Rates From 1990 To 2017

In the states of Ohio, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, Iowa, South Carolina and Rhode Island, the rate of obesity has increased at significant rate while the rest of the U.S states are stable. The seven states namely Iowa, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama have over 35% obesity rate. North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Missouri, Illinois, Pennsylvania etc are among the states that have over 30% obesity rate. West Virginia with 38.1% adult obesity rate stands on top of the chart while Colorado stands last with adult obesity rate of 22.6%.

Health Issues From Obesity In U.S. States

As if to complement the expansion of hospitals of the University of Pennsylvania, the diseases related to obesity is prevalent in the U.S States. Know more about the continuation of the hospital expansion of the University of Pennsylvania.

As per the new update in September 2018, here is the list of diseases –


With 15.2% adult diabetes rate, West Virginia stands on top of the chart. The chart also shows increase of rate in the past two years in New Jersey, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota.

Physical Inactivity

The highest rate of inactivity was seen in Kentucky with 34.4% rate. It was also found that 90% states having physical inactiveness were from South America.


Among the 80% states from South America suffering from Hypertension, West Virginia stands on top with 43.5% rate followed by Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, Louisiana and Tennessee.

Obesity Rate In Pennsylvania

According to the current data regarding the adult obesity rate in Pennsylvania, around 36.7% people from the age group of 45 to 65 are affected with obesity while obesity percentage in people between 18 years old to 25 years old is 15.9%. The obesity related diseases and health issues like diabetes can affect adults at 10.6% rate, the rate for hypertension from obesity is 32.6% among adults. Other health issues like arthritis, heart disease and obesity-related cancers are also evident.

Various state-based policies are taken to prevent obesity from childhood by engaging in physical activities, healthy eating, drinking plenty of water and linking to Child and Adult Care Food Programs. All the elementary, High School and Middle Schools offer physical activities along with shared use of recreational facilities of school.